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About Our Chicken


We have been raising a non-conventional breed of meat chicken called the Freedom Ranger Color Yield.  More recently, that breed was not available, so we tried raising a type of chicken called Sasso and will continue to do so occasionally to determine which might thrive more as a pastured-raised bird given our swing between summer heat and then the cooler months.  Both are broiler chickens that are slower growing than the the standard Cornish Cross breed that you will mostly find in the grocery store. Our chicken is tender and flavorful!  It actually tastes like chicken and not just the flavoring, seasonings, or sauces used when cooking.

Once the baby chicks arrive from the hatchery, we raise them for 2.5 to 3 weeks in a spacious brooder where we can keep them warm like a mama hen and allow them time to grow some feathers.  chicks in brooder Medium.pngOnce outside, the chicks are moved twice per day to fresh ground once they learn "how-to" move along inside their mobile chicken tractor, which is an open bottomed coop designed to keep them safe from predators. 

broiler tractors on pasture Small.png

They enjoy foraging on pasture and chasing bugs in the fresh air and sunshine.  Our meat birds now receive a certified organic, corn- and soy- free feed. Organic means the feed is Non-GMO.

We never give our meat chickens antibiotics, growth hormones, or vaccines.  If needed, we only use supplements such as organic apple cider vinegar, organic garlic, organic honey, organic molasses, and organic yogurt to help with heat stress and to boost natural immunity.  

Broilers at processing time Small.pnghelping chicken

All chicken currently available for purchase is corn- and soy-free! 

If you would like to know more about our practices or products, please contact us with your questions.

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