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About Our Pork


We decided to purchase pigs in Summer 2023 with the idea of filling our own freezer with pork and then selling some of the grower/finisher pigs to others who wanted the same. We were not certain this would be a long-term addition to the farm.  Terra babies.pngThen, after taking our first pigs to freezer camp, we realized this was some of the best pork we had ever eaten.  Now it turns out that we are raising litters and committed to providing pork to our customers.  Snickerdoodle babies.png

In looking for a non-conventional breed, we found the heritage lard breed called KuneKune.  These pigs were found in New Zealand where they were kept by the Māori tribes as a meat pig and for their lard.  The KuneKune grows slowly without the need for excessive amounts of feed and produce a deeper color of meat that is well-marbled for amazing flavor. Plus, they are wonderfully docile, easy-going, and have a very low impact on the land. This breed is a perfect fit for our farm!  Here is a great article should you want to know more, The Charismatic KuneKune.

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Effective May 2024 we fully transitioned all pigs to a Corn-Free and Soy-Free, Certified Organic Feed directly from Reedy Fork Organic Farm. Up until that time, the barrows and the breeding stock were eating Soy-Free, Certified Organic Feed.  Our first piglets that were born on farm (April 2024), will have only directly cypress.pngconsumed a very small amount of corn for approximately 2 weeks as they began tasting what their momma was eating and any residuals that would have been in their milk during nursing.

As with our other livestock, we look for any needed supplements that meet organic standards.  Organic means that it is NON-GMO.  We do not vaccinate our piglets and they are free from added hormones, antibiotics, and synthetic chemicals.  We will use Dr. Paul's Products or Dr. Sarah's Essentials, if needed for a specific reason.  

Our pastures are never sprayed with pesticides or herbicides and we do not use synthetic fertilizers.

If you would like to know more, please contact us with your questions. 

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