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About Our Eggs


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Our egg-laying hens receive a certified organic, soy-free and corn-free feed purchased directly from Reedy Fork Organic Farm.  They live on pasture moving directly behind the cow herd where they help spread the manure, feast on available forages, and chase all the bugs they can find.

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They are given access to an expansive amount of space for their natural foraging and scratching instincts.  Beginning in October 2023, we began allowing the ladies to forage without the confines of the netting seen in some of our photos.  This allows for them to be truly free-range and to adventure across 40+ acres.  We will continue this new practice for the laying hens as long as predators are not an issue.

Initially, we do receive our laying hens as day old chicks. During their early developmental months, after leaving the brooder, we do keep the pullets surrounded by a net and they live on pasture in a different style mobile coop for their safety.  These youngest birds are small and more vulnerable to predators.  When you visit the farm, please ask to see about these differences between younger and older egg-laying flocks.

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The hens have unlimited access to a mobile ChickShaw which provides a safe place for them to lay eggs, enjoy some shade on sunny days and protection from predators at night while they roost.  

We never give our chickens antibiotics or growth hormones.  We also choose not to vaccinate incoming baby chicks.  If needed, we only use natural remedies such as organic apple cider vinegar, organic garlic, organic honey, organic molasses, organic yogurt, raw milk or Vitamin E oil (non-soy) to help boost their natural immunity.

Our pastures are never sprayed with pesticides or herbicides and we do not use synthetic fertilizers.

If you would like to know more, please contact us with your questions.

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