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Pasture-Raised Chicken Eggs: Soy and Corn-Free

Heart Bar Farm, LLC

1 dozen regular eggs | 1 carton @ $9.00/carton = $9.00 + $0.00 Assembly Out of Stock
1 dozen pullet eggs** | 1 carton = $8.00 + $0.00 Assembly Out of Stock

Eggs are often in high demand and short supply! Please email us to be placed on the reservation waitlist. We would be happy to set aside eggs for you. -->

We are raising more laying hens to help keep up with demand. We do raise our own egg-layers and it takes around 6 month from baby chick to adult laying-hens. Our egg ladies appreciate your love and patience during all the ups and downs from the summer heat, fall molting and all the growing months!
Our eggs have not been graded as to quality and weight. This means the regular eggs may vary in size from medium to extra large. Our goal is to fill each dozen with the largest eggs laid.

Watch for the "pullet" egg listing that will be available occasionally when our youngest flock begins to lay eggs. Pullets are what the laying hens are called before they are an official adult laying hen...we consider this their teenager months. The pullet eggs will start out smaller until the hens mature into full adult birds.

**Our youngest layers have been contributing beautiful eggs with blue and green tones. 🥚🪺 These eggs did not become as large as we hoped so they are continuing to be available as "pullet" eggs. These dozens are mostly browns with some blues and greens mixed in.

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